The Logo
In order to accommodate a wide variety of layouts and collateral, right orientation have been created for the Skylark logo. Do not change the size or position of the Skylark logo. Do not add any special effects to the logo, such as drop shadows or glow effects.
Minimum Size
The visibility of the logo gets reduced with scaling down. In order to overcome this hindrance, the minimum size specifications of the logo are fixed. The optimum width of the logo should be proportionate to the size of the artwork. Reducing the width of the logo beyond 25 mm should be strictly avoided.
Clear space should be left around the logo in any kind of design as shown in the example here. The design(s) should not interfere with the logo. For most applications, the optimum placement for the Skylark logo is the top right corner of the layout with a reasonable margin. In some instances, such as brochure covers, signage or other marketing materials, you may place the logo, as per the prescribed format.